Through worship (both ancient & modern) and contemplation & conversation our parishes invite Students into the life of the Early Church.

St. Paul's Church, Sackville, situated across from the Mount Allison University swan pond, is only a few minutes' walk from the Mt. A. residences. University students in the Science, Arts and Music attend services regularly, and over the years many have enjoyed participating in the church choir. Though St. Paul's is very close to campus, our parishes (more generally) invite all into the life & love of Christ through traditional worship and regular prayer. There are a variety of opportunities for students to partake in our community, and to grow in Christian faith.

Sundays in sackville

The principal Sunday service at St Paul's in Sackville is at 11 a.m.
It is almost always a celebration of the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion, with traditional language & organ or clarinet music.

Looking for a country church? St Ann's Westcock is just 4 kilometres from Sackville - a scenic walk or bike ride, or a very short drive. Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m.

sat. night compline at st paul's

Compline is a very ancient and very simple, short sung service which ends the day (or, in ancient understanding, begins the new day that arrives with sunset) in a restful stillness. It is sung in the darkness by candlelight each Saturday evening at 9 p.m. Compline is about 15 or 20 minutes long. If anyone wishes to stay behind after and take in the silence, they're welcome.

Wine before breakfast

Wine Before Breakfast is a simple contemporary service of Holy Communion from the Book of Alternative Services, followed by a hot breakfast. Instead of a sermon, we take time to discuss the Bible readings appointed for the day. The service takes place at the back of St. Paul's nave, with the natural light of early morning gradually bringing to life the stained glass. The Eucharist is at 7:45 a.m. and breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. Thursdays in the Mount Allison University term.

daily worship

The Daily Offices are the structured core of the Christian contemplative tradition. Each day, in both the morning and in the evening, we pray with the whole of the catholic church. The service includes scripture readings from the Old and New Testaments, chanting from the Psalms and intercession. These services last about 25 minutes.

times of fellowship

Beyond our frequent after service coffee hours, we also regularly hold some other social events in the parishes. At the rectory (143 Main Street, across Main Street from Avard-Dixon, on Rectory Lane), we have a potluck and Faith & Film Night each month. We also have seasonal study groups, which delve into works of art, poetry and literature.

Please introduce yourself to Father Ingalls, our pastor. He is always open to spiritual conversation or simply listening on a walk or over a coffee or a pint on Bridge Street. This is never an imposition. Its what he is here for. And he is not easily shocked or surprised.

For upcoming events, see the Parishes' Facebook Page, bulletins and 'This Week' here on the website.